support for parents - roles and responsibilities
School administration
Home / Roles and responsabilities / School administration
School administration is responsible for creating winning conditions for the child’s academic success.
Its responsibilities include:
- In collaboration with the nurse, ensuring that the diabetic student is made known as soon as possible.
- Ensuring that the necessary forms and authorizations have been signed and placed on file.
- In collaboration with the nurse, ensuring that the protocol is followed.
- Ensuring the development of a response plan
- Identifying those who accept the responsibility of caring for the student with diabetes.
- Ensuring that all staff have received the relevant information for the safe management of diabetes.
- Establishing means for casual staff to know the procedure
- Providing a safe place to store medication, emergency kits and blood glucose testing equipment and to dispose of biomedical waste and inform appropriate personnel
- Providing the school board with the name and contact information of the newly diagnosed student with diabetes using school transportation.
- At the end of the year, giving the school board the list of students with diabetes who will use school transportation services the following year.
- Ensuring that school personnel promote the participation of these students in physical activities and special activities, in particular by making the necessary adjustments.
- Ensuring that school personnel promote the participation of these students in physical activities and special activities, in particular by making the necessary adjustments.
Thus, its role is crucial in implementing efficient ways to manage diabetes at school.

Role of the school administration
For a complete list of roles and responsibilities, see the School-Based Intervention Protocol for Students with Type 1 Diabetes.