

Make a donation

It is estimated that there are more than 4,000 children affected by Type 1 Diabetes in Quebec today. Together with their families, they must face the daily reality of diabetes: injections, discomfort, anxiety and isolation to name a few.The needs of our children are many. They don’t get a break from the disease. And we always want to do more for them. That’s why your donations are invaluable.

Your gift is precious,
as is each child.

You are contributing to the Foundation’s ability to accompany more families and children, year after year, throughout Quebec. You are important, necessary and above all essential!

I make a one-time donation

A monthly gesture.
A lifetime impact.

A monthly donation is a simple, tangible way to help the Foundation accomplish its mission, each and every day. Monthly donations allow for longer-term resource planning and create stable funds that can be allocated to projects for the families. With more resources, we will be able to reach out to type 1 diabetic children throughout Quebec.

I make a monthly donation

Precious memories of a loved one transposed to our families.

Celebrate the memory of a loved one. Every penny will be used to help children and their families through the stages of a child’s illness, from diagnosis to adulthood.

I give in memory of a loved one

Multiply your donation. 

If you or your spouse work for a company that offers a matching gift program, all you have to do is complete the form.

To fill a form

Did you know that..

A single stay at Camp Carowanis costs $3,000 per child?

A source of pride for you. A source of support for families.

Congratulate or encourage a loved one by donating in their honour, at a wedding, a birthday, a graduation, etc. Any occasion is a good opportunity to make a loved one happy while financially helping dozens, even hundreds of others.

I give in honor of a loved one

A donation that generates optimal benefits to you.

A legacy donation, whether planned or one-off, is an excellent way to achieve your philanthropic ambitions, while allowing your heirs to benefit from substantial tax advantages.

See with your notary

Being even more generous without increasing the amount of your donation is possible!

A fiscally advantageous option to support our cause which will have no impact on your financial situation. Shared-based donations allow you to increase the impact of your generosity thanks to their tax benefits. These are directly transferred to the organization in the form of eligible securities. The tax benefits will vary depending on the capital gain. The value your securities have gained since they were acquired is tax-free, so you don’t have to take more money out of your pocket, and your charitable investment can accomplish more.

To fill a form

Change a child’s life by offering them a stay at Camp Carowanis.

At the Foundation, we would like to offer ALL diabetic children in Quebec the opportunity to attend Camp Carowanis, for a unique experience in self-development, learning autonomy, respect and balance.
The registration fee is at its lowest, $1,050 for a two-week stay per child. But it costs the Foundation over $3,000 per child to provide a memorable stay that includes the cost of care, injection supplies, camp staff, medical and nursing staff, food and all other essential services.

I give a stay at camp Carowanis

Take part in movements

The world’s largest movements dedicated to generosity. Everyone has something to give, and every gesture is important!
don pour les enfants

The purpose of giving

Greater needs,
for a lifetime

Type 1 diabetes is a special condition that requires thoroughness, knowledge and dedication from children and their families. Well-being with diabetes requires many resources—social, psychological, medical, human and financial. Unfortunately, many children do not have the chance to be in an environment favourable to good management of the condition, due to the lack of some of these resources. Therefore, Fred supports them from the moment they are diagnosed until they reach the age of majority.

Concrete actions and ongoing support

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Information through regular newsletters and welcome kits for families
Virtual events and activities
Advice from healthcare professionals for the well-being of young T1D
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Stays for all T1D children at Camp Carowanis
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Camp stay grants for families in need
Camp Fred
The Fred Clan—a sense of belonging and support for our teens

Concrete actions and ongoing support

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Information through regular newsletters and welcome kits for families
Virtual events and activities
Advice from healthcare professionals for the well-being of young T1D
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Stays for all T1D children at Camp Carowanis
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Grants for families in need
Camp Fred
The Fred Clan—a sense of belonging and support for our teens

More ways to help


a fundraiser

A concrete gesture to give
hope to T1D children.
faire un don

Making a

Fred thanks you for your financial support, donations and sponsorships.

a volunteer

Join a dedicated and
dynamic team of volunteers