

Fred understands
the needs of
children with diabetes
better than anyone
Fondation Fred Diabète
Fred brings together the resources needed to improve the lives of children and families living with Type 1 Diabetes in Quebec. Fred brings together families, healthcare professionals, society, the community of supporters, science and education.

4 000 

Children diagnosed
with T1D in Quebec.

2 820

Families receiving
support from Fred.


Newly diagnosed children register with Fred every year.


Children attend Camp Carowanis each year.

4 000 

Children diagnosed
with T1D in Quebec.

2 820

Families receiving
support from Fred.


Newly diagnosed children
register with Fred
every year.


Children attend
Camp Carowanis
each year.
fondation fred pour enfant
accompagnement enfant diabétique

Get informed with Fred

Request your
support kit

Designed for families with a newly diagnosed child, this kit provides parents with information about the Foundation’s mission. It includes a welcome message to families and offers tips and tools to help manage diabetes on a daily basis.

have fun with fred

Upcoming activities
coming soon

Fred creates growing communities of support in order to foster communication between parents and children by providing fun interaction opportunities that motivate inclusion and demystify the disease while restoring confidence to children in their environment.
fondation fred pour enfant
Prochaine activité
Would you like to receive tips, tools, and exclusive invitations to our educational and social events and be able to share with people who are experiencing the same challenges as you, at no cost or obligation?
levée de fonds

a fundraiser

A tangible gesture
to give hope to children
with T1D.

faire un don

Making a

Type 1 Diabetes,
a daily reality
with no break.

levée de fonds

a fundraiser

A tangible gesture
to give hope to children
with T1D.
faire un don

Making a donation

Type 1 Diabetes,
a daily reality
with no break.

A unique summer camp
in Quebec for 7- to 16-year-old diabetic youths

Since 1958, Camp Carowanis has been offering a summer camp experience specifically tailored to young diabetics, located in the heart of the forest bordering Lake Didi in Ste-Agathe-des-Monts. A place where many memories are made, great friendships are forged and where differences have no limits. It is also a camp with a diversified program of activities that will provide your young T1D with tools for life.


Fred provides specialized tools that allow professionals to engage with youth, share tips and exchange with each other. Together, we can contribute to more resources and better support for children with T1D.
Professionnel de la santé diabète enfant