support for parents - roles and responsibilities
Individuals who accept
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Taking responsibility for the day-to-day care of a student’s diabetes is no small task. There’s always the fear of making a mistake. However, it should be noted that article 1472 of the Civil Code exempts from civil liability a person who, by rescuing another person, causes harm.
For all individuals who accept the day-to-day management of the care of the student with type 1 diabetes,
the school intervention protocol includes the following responsibilities:
- Know and apply the instructions and directives of the intervention guide
- Supervising or performing blood glucose testing
- Supervising or performing the administration of insulin
- Intervene immediately when signs or symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia occur according to the intervention guide.
- Ensure carbohydrate intake to correct hypoglycemia
- Ensure that the interventions carried out are recorded in the logbook.
- Recognize situations that require notification of the parent and contact the parent when necessary.
- Periodically check the contents of the kits and notify parents if any materials are missing.
For a complete list of roles and responsibilities, see the School-Based Intervention Protocol for Students with Type 1 Diabetes.

For all those who agree to manage the student’s diabetes on a day-to-day basis at school