Type 1 diabetes - basic notions
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Type 1 diabetes (TD1) is a chronic auto immune disease whose cause remains unknown.

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People with type 1 diabetes must monitor their blood-sugar levels by performing a glucolia test at least five times a day.
FALSE : This is known as a glucose (or glycaemia) test.
People with type 1 diabetes can eat as much sugar as anyone else, provided they take the appropriate amount of insulin.
In order to determine the proper insulin dosage for a child, one must take into account their blood-glucose level, food intake and level of physical activity in the preceding two hours and the following four hours, not to mention possible illness, fatigue or stress, as well as the time of day and the temperature. This must be calculated 2-5 times a week.
FALSE : This must be done 2-5 times a day.
There is still no cure for Type 1 diabetes.
T1D strikes suddenly and cannot be prevented, whereas Type 2 diabetes is generally preventable.
“Severe diabetes” and “sugar diabetes” are proper terms.
FALSE : These are misnomers and ignore the complexity of the disease and its various types. Type 1 diabetes and diabetes mellitus are the correct terms.
Once diagnosed with T1D, diabetics must administer insulin several times a day.
T1D has been treated with insulin since 1961, following the discovery of researchers Frederick Grant Banting and Charles Best. Before that, diabetics died in a matter of weeks.
FALSE : It was 1921.