support for parents - school section
Training of designated personnel
Home / Training of designated personnel
Special training on Type 1 diabetes is required for designated school personnel, such as:
A - How to measure the student’s blood sugar :
This should ideally be done before meals and one hour after.
1 – If the student wears a CGMS (Continuous Glucose Monitoring System) : Check the sugar level on the monitor (usually located on or near the pump).
2 – If this is not the case, the measurement should be checked with the glucometer.
In order to do this, you have to prepare the glucometer:
- Remove one strip from the container, then close the container.
- Insert the strip into the meter, push firmly until the meter turns on.
- Wait for the signal indicating that the meter is ready.
- Prick the student’s finger.
- Insert a new lancet and slide the button on the lancing device until it clicks.
- Place the lancing device on the side of the student’s fingertip and press the button.
- Pinch the finger lightly to get a small drop of blood.
- Touching the drop of blood with the strip
- This will absorb the blood and the meter will display a reading (wait 5 seconds to read it). If it is less than 4 mmol/L, it should be corrected by giving carbohydrates.

Training of designated staff in schools