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Holidays tips
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Managing Blood Sugar During the Holidays
During the holiday season, some people tend to:
- Eat larger portions of foods high in fat and sugar
- Drink more alcohol
- Being more relaxed or on the contrary, more stressed
- Eating on a schedule and frequency that varies a lot
- Being less active (stopping sports activities, less travel, etc.) or even more active (more time for physical activity or playing outside with children, etc.)
For these multiple reasons, blood sugar can be more difficult to control. We must accept this reality and allow ourselves, temporarily, more leeway. But that does not mean not to worry about your diabetes, on the contrary!
By measuring your blood sugar more often, you will be able to become aware of its variations and make the necessary adjustments.

Tips and tricks to help you have the most enjoyable holiday season possible.
Meal tips
To enjoy your holiday meals by limiting blood sugar differences:
- Respect your usual meal schedule as much as possible and take the necessary measures during delayed meals.
- Avoid skipping meals. This wards off unconscious snacking or overeating at meals.
- Keep in mind your personalized power plan or, if you don’t have one, the balanced-plate.
- Ask about the menu served and suggest the host bring a vegetable side dish or appetizer.
- Eat slowly and listen to your hunger and fullness cues. Don’t be shy to tell the host that you are full.
- If you want to taste the dessert concocted for the occasion, take a portion. If you have an eating plan, you can substitute some of the carbs in your meal for dessert.
- Take the time to savor each bite and fully enjoy the time spent around the table with the people you love.
The alcohol
Ifyou consume alcohol,do it in moderation and follow these tips:
- Avoid drinking on an empty stomach, especially if you are taking insulin or medication that puts you at risk for hypoglycemia.
- Make sure people around you know you have diabetes, as a precaution.
- Be aware of the risk of delayed hypoglycaemia, especially in people with type 1 diabetes.
- If you hit the road, be sure to measure your blood sugar before driving, in addition to ensuring that you do not have exceeded alcohol limits.
In summary,
- Do not deprive yourself
- Check your blood sugar more often
- Use the square bolus function or inject a little earlier
- Educating people around us as needed 😊

By Marie-Laurence Brunet
Diabetic since 2017, diagnosed as a teenager
Medical student