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An appointment this November 12, 2023
We are pleased to invite you to a special event that will take place at La Grande Roue de Montréal to celebrate World Diabetes Day and bring families together.
The event will take place on November 12 at La Grande Roue de Montréal from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., a venue emblem of our beautiful city. We encourage all attendees to wear blue, the color symbol of diabetes, to mark this special occasion.
We are counting on your presence at a cost of $10/person and $5/child to make this event memorable and make our collective voice heard in the fight against type 1 diabetes. Together, we can make the difference !
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The theme for World Diabetes Day 2021-2023, November 14th, is “Access to Care”
100 years after the discovery of insulin, thousands of children around the world still do not have access to this medication or to care for their diabetes.
On the occasion of the centenary of the discovery of insulin, let us spare a thought for all these children and mobilize ourselves so that all children in the world can obtain the best care for their diabetes.
Will you join us?
Type 1 diabetes, an invisible disease
Really? Can you identify this type 1 diabetes disorder?
An event aimed at demystifying diabetes
Every year, World Diabetes Day has been celebrated on November 14 since 2007, in honor of Frederick Banting, whose birthday it is. Frederick Banting is, with Charles Best, at the origin of the discovery of insulin. Thanks to them, since 1921, children with diabetes have been able to regulate their blood sugar levels, which allows them to survive. Nothing makes the illness of a child, an adolescent or the person we love acceptable. But today we can intervene and learn to control his condition as best as possible. The dazzling breakthroughs in high technology have given us tools that were unthinkable just twenty years ago. Enormous amounts are invested in research: there is a reason for hope.
World Diabetes Day, organized by the International Diabetes Federation and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign.
On this day of November 14, let us salute this team of stubborn and enlightened people, thanks to whom our children, our adolescents and all adults with type 1 diabetes are part of our lives and amaze us with their resilience, their accomplishments and their discipline.
This year, Fred has chosen to give the floor to our young diabetics so that they can tell us what insulin means and its discovery for them.