Type 1 diabetes - alimentation
Nutritional advice
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Snack and Lunch
Tips and Tricks
Every day is demanding and requires a lot of energy. Therefore, planning menus that will provide the right amount of carbohydrates for your young one is important.
Here are some guidelines to help you:
A carbohydrate factor is a number that represents the amount of carbohydrates found in one gram of food. This number indicates the quantity of carbohydrates that increases glycemia and therefore excludes fibre.
A simplified method of calculating carbohydrates for diabetes management. This carbohydrates calculation method gives you the flexibility you need when planning your meals.
List of nutrients with greatest health interest and their contribution to 1,100 of the most commonly consumed foods in Canada.
Do they go together?
How to adapt meals and snacks for the whole family when you have a child with type 1 diabetes?
Summer is synonymous with BBQ and for some, food choices change with the season.

Guides to help with carb counting